
Search results

  1. Jessica Burns

    Jessica Burns ...

  2. Entrepreneurial Management Introductory Guide

    tasks, people, and ourselves can influence our results as we plan, organize, implement, and control. ... tasks, people, and self. Knowledge of urban Extension management competencies. Ability to leverage ... Effects Mapping Web Literacy- Is that information authentic? Managing People (inter-unit relations, teams, ...

  3. What is Food Poisoning?

    In short, food poisoning can be more dangerous to health than many people realize To reduce the risk ...

  4. Expressing Gratitude This Holiday Season

    missed if they weren’t there. Think about the people who have inspired you, those who may have invested ...

  5. Winter Blues

    break. People who do not intentionally maintain physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health are ...

  6. Be Prepared for Combine Fires during Harvest Season

    “helper crews”) to know what to do if smoke or fire appears. The safety of the people always comes before ...

  7. Fundraising- Clubs and Committees (Affiliates)

    for groups of people.  Please either email or make a copy and submit it with our ...

  8. Mindful Wellness

    accomplishments of these young people. Hopefully next year, we will return with the demonstration schedule and ...

  9. From the Heart

    In trying times, where do you turn? Farmers are some of the most humble, down to earth people ... that are being made that effect so many people.  We are truly all in this together.  We need to be kind ... powerful and has many opinions, stresses, and directions.  Some people have no clue what is going on in and ...

  10. Researcher Studying Agriculture Fairs and Flu Among Pigs

    and people. When one case is discovered at a fair, more often than not, several cases are found at the ... what prevention measures are taken at the fairs and how often they are used to keep people and animals ... H3N2. In animals and people, the clinical signs of influenza can include fever, a runny nose, coughing ...
