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  1. Ohio Saves: Save Money, Reduce Debt, Build Wealth

    help all people focus on saving money, reducing debt, and building wealth over time.  It is completely ...

  2. Holiday Spending: Curb Your Urge To Splurge

    traditions and rituals are the foundation of most people's cherished memories of holidays past.  As the ...

  3. Procrastination

    people over for a gathering so that you have a reason to clean?  Do you find it hard to say “no”?  Do you ...

  4. Farmers Must Prepare for the Unthinkable

    key people that should be involved. Is there someone who wants to keep the farm going? Understand each ...

  5. 2015 Dairy Project Leasing Information

    Wayne County supports leasing of dairy heifers/cows for the purpose of teaching young people how ...

  6. OSU Weed Science Field Day, and include the number of people in your group.  Payment can be via cash or check the day of the ...

  7. CD Wire- December 3, 2018

    auditorium. The room was packed with people, festive food, and a warm, joyous mood. Dean Cathann Kress spoke ... people. Cost is $150. Application deadline is Friday, December 14. Apply here.   Great Lakes Coastal ...

  8. Hellen Kanyagha: Promoting Use of IPM Strategies to Control Plant Diseases in Tanzania

    I currently feel like I am in Tanzania surrounded by people with whom I know and whose company I enjoy. ...

  9. 4-H News and Notes: August 16, 2016

    Forms- Due September 30th   (This is for people interested in running for a seat on Building 10, Beef, ...

  10. Joan Msuya: Following Your Smile

    island. In order to smile you have to interact with other people. My stay at Ohio State was filled with ... new people which will last for a lifetime. Each Friday evening, we met with other international ...
