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Smart Columbus
This program featured Aparna Dial (deputy director, Dept. of Public Service, City of Columbus, and Smart City staff), Maryn Weimer (senior associate director, OSU Center for Automative Research), Ryan Bollo, PE (project manager, senior ITS / technology pr ...
Celebrating those who invest in the future of CFAES
Estate gifts and the people who make them are part of a deeply rooted tradition at Ohio State. ...
Pig Scramble Pick-up
Why 'climate change doesn't seem so remote' now
of the team's coordinators. "But the moment people hear what could happen to their health, ... so remote." "The moment people hear what could happen to their health, food supply, and ... series has reached more than 5,000 people from over 500 organizations through 23 webinars to date. Some ...
Biodiversity, Nature, and Natural History Links
organization; uses science and people to protect land, water, biodiversity) Ohio TNC (protects Ohio’s land, ... (advances preservation of natural diversity; inform, unite, support people who identify, protect, manage, ... public lands/natural legacy) Ohio Lepidopterists (people interested in butterflies, skippers, moths; ...
2017 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients
What is your advice to underclassmen? Get involved outside of your comfort zone and meet people whom ... when people walk by. Make new friends. Laugh with those you love. Take advantage of every opportunity. ...
Ohio Sea Grant director Reutter retires after 42 years of service
people every year, more than $1.3 million in endowments for scholarships and research equipment, and ...
Generosity in tragedy's wake
college. Working with so many people in so many different areas prepared me for this.” Learn more here. ...
Steer Tagging
4-H Endowment Fundraiser