
Search results

  1. Extension

    conditions in which they thrive. Our mission is to create opportunities for people to explore how ...

  2. Mike Wengerd Retirement

    execution. Personally, Mike is a genuine good guy with a big heart. Many people, including colleagues and ...

  3. Sarah Swanson: The smiling face of South Centers

    variety of people she gets to work with, and because every day is a unique challenge. “The work is ... talented people. Here at South Centers, we have people representing many different age groups, ethnicities, ...

  4. Seminar, Adapting to New Climate Realities: Doing More, Better, and New

    highlight the adaptation challenges confronting poor people, notably poor farmers whose livelihoods are ...

  5. Chasing Success

    success? Ask 100 people, get 100 answers. I’ve often asked this of my students. Their answers are ... implementation of the process. It’s a mindset shift for most people; it was a huge mindset shift for me as well. ...

  6. Message to ATI Students from Dr. Boone

    guidance, gatherings of people are cancelled through May 30. We are developing a virtual student recognition ...

  7. RSVP For Employee Fun Fest

    Room: Estimated 20 minutes (2 Rooms running simultaneously every 30 minutes. 10 people per each room) ...

  8. A Message from the Director

    guidance, gatherings of people are cancelled through May 30. We are developing a virtual student recognition ...

  9. Fruit Pruning School

    swim … you learn by doing.” First 50 people registered will receive free elderberry cuttings, and ...

  10. Access, Excel, PowerPoint Workshops

    held, as there are already people registered, but space is still available if you see something you ...
