
Search results

  1. OARDC annual conference spotlights water quality

    other universities to coordinate their efforts. “Ask the people in California and Toledo, and I think ...

  2. Ohio Corn and Soybean Yield Predictions 'Optimistic'

    April 20 to May 10, Watters said. “I saw some people planting soybeans for the first time on June 15,” ...

  3. Hrubes Memorial Buckeye Tree Planted on ISU Campus

    planted. Emily focused on impacting as many people as possible at Ohio State. We hope this tree continues ...

  4. Pat Brundige

    future and appreciation for the development of young people.”-- Dr. Bobby Moser. ...

  5. Ohio State Student Wins National Black Farmers Scholarship

    people with access to knowledge is transformational,” said Lesley Slavitt, head of civic ...

  6. Fungi Fun in the Classroom!

    expertly convinced that fungi are the most important organisms in the world. People really don’t realize ...

  7. About Us

    Extension's Mission Engaging people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based ...

  8. FAQs Online Courses

    already taken the course! We've had people from 24 states take the course. What is the course about? ... busy people. Sometimes you are not able to make it to classes that are in other counties, etc. This ...

  9. Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth's Magnetic Field

    that line up like a spine. Magnets in bacteria? Brian Lower stumps a lot of people when he first ...

  10. Dr. Karen Mancl

    obstacles along a unique path to success. “In the 1970s and 1980s, the vision that people had was that ...
