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  1. 2019 Community Engagement Conference

    focuses on improving the well-being of people and communities by protecting earth's life support ...

  2. First Energy Impacts Symposium Starts Wednesday at Ohio State

    fuels — on people, communities and economies. Organizers are expecting about 140 energy-related social ... science and community development. How energy development affects people “The amount of energy development ... alleviate the negatives,” Jacquet said. It also will describe the “impacts on people — the ways people ...

  3. Environmental Professionals Network February 2017 Program

    the tour is limited to 44 people) for the opening of Building Ohio State, from Forest to the ... have helped nurture Ohio’s forests and people, and the new exhibit at the iconic Thompson Library ...

  4. EASC Teacher Training: Global Teacher Seminar Summer 2019

    countries will be examined and how each impacts these resources and its people, including biodiversity, ...

  5. Fascinating Woodland Fungi

    and/or avoided by visitors to the woods because people don’t know what they are, have limited knowledge, ...

  6. RSS 2018: Science in Society, Society in Science

    western Montana.  She directed the Bolle Center for People and Forests (2004-2014) and served as ... is focused on gaining some insight into these questions, from people who deal with it every day. For ...

  7. Sharing the Spaces in Between

    the United States is a story told only in terms of black and white people, as though Latinos are not ... even a part of the equation. Similarly, the binary of gay vs straight people largely leaves bi and ...

  8. Fascinating Woodland Fungi

    and/or avoided by visitors to the woods because people don’t know what they are, have limited knowledge, ...

  9. Scholarship Spotlights

    people and enhance their relationship with the outdoors. Ethan is grateful for the flexibility the ...

  10. COMPAS Conversation: Religion in Public Life Events

    how can people relate to one another as fellow citizens across that divide? If not, then how can we ... pursue a more constructive dialogue between religious and non-religious people? Should secularism be the ...
