
Search results

  1. National Perspectives-Maps

    areas (typically at least 1,000 people per square mile) with a population of at least 50,000 people ... according to the following categorization: Density Class Settlement Type People/sq mi acres/household* Very ... and J.E. Dobson. (2002). LandScan: Locating. people is what matters. GeoInformatics 5(2), 34-37. ...

  2. Ohio Corn and Soybean Yield Predictions 'Optimistic'

    April 20 to May 10, Watters said. “I saw some people planting soybeans for the first time on June 15,” ...

  3. Workshop Agenda

    and people, there was no simple way to quantify the benefit. Therefore, stakeholders found it ... people, and therefore accounting for the value of natural capital is an important aspect of sustainability ...

  4. How to bring local, healthier foods back to school

    vegetables are essential to help people eat healthier. Fresh-cooked meals made with local products are tasty, ... continue to grow healthy young people throughout Ohio.-- Cheryl Buck, OSU Extension ...

  5. Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training

    For: 4-H volunteers, youth ages 13 and older 4-H PetPALS (People and Animals Linking Successfully) ...

  6. PetPALS Bringing Pets

    no time should any of the pets show aggression, fear, or resentment toward people.  For the ...

  7. Communities, Animal Agriculture and Air Pollution: Policy Issues and Options for the Future

    of farming, and people appreciate farming for the various ways it contributes to the social and ...

  8. Growth and Change: Employment Growth, Future Prospects, and Change at the Ohio Rural-Urban Interface

    that there are high costs to the people of Ohio if it chooses to retreat. Mark Partridge Policy brief ...

  9. About Us

    Extension's Mission Engaging people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based ...

  10. Driven to succeed: OARDC-industry partnership is creating new jobs

    State people working with us in the lab. And we will continue to grow with Ohio State." Read ...
