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Communiqué November 21, 2012
a commitment to a client, people tend to be more rigid. But when it comes to a family commitment, they tend to ... to justify breaking those commitments more easily. However, commitments to people at home, I believe ... symbol of your honor. Above all traits, don’t we respect people that possess honor? Back to Top OSUE ...
Ohio 4-H Week
4-H Conference on March 14 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. This year, nearly 1,400 people ...
Five Tips to Reduce Spray Drift
may damage non-target crops nearby, and poses a serious health risk to people living in areas where ...
Ohio Turfgrass Foundation 2015 Conference and The Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course
Greener Future.” The joint event is for people who work in such fields as lawn care, tree care, ...
Communiqué July 6, 2011
our jobs well, and that we have the right people in the right positions. We have good people, but we ... measurable impacts for our clientele; and communicate this to stakeholders; we can’t assume people know what ... times of stress to remain civil as we respond to situations and people. I am pleased with the ...
The Dicamba Situation – Assessment and Some Action Items
from people around the state, and a few things to think about as seed orders are placed and weed ...
Communiqué October 24, 2012
make better decisions. You show respect. You give people psychological air. And the impact on trust is ... does with listening to the needs of the people of the company and meeting them. </em>– ... communication regarding attitudes and feelings is 7 percent what people say, 38 percent how they say it, and 55 ...
Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Update
a Pesticide Applicator License or a bill for the $30 fee if you did not have a Pesticide License. People ...
Open letter regarding efficacy of Cry1F trait on western bean cutworm
(most too late and with little hope of benefit). People are frustrated and angry and, more importantly, ...
Philosophy on Partnerships
values of working with people, using research-based information, the process of scholarship, and the ...