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Tough Horseman Race
only & limited to first 100 people to register* Registration limited to OSU students only. ...
CFAES holds clothing drive for children in Honduras
they sought the assistance of two people: Trina Beebe, ACEL office administrative associate, who was ...
Giving mosquitoes 'kidney' failure could help fight spread of malaria
malaria, which kills close to 1 million people every year, and dengue, which infects hundreds of millions ... of people annually. Piermarini's research is funded by a $1.4 million grant from the ...
Student-designed, built ag rescue trailer to be unveiled at Farm Science Review
people working agricultural jobs came to light last year when new federal child ag labor laws were ... people didn't know the requirements," Jepsen said. "They realized they needed to do more ... promoting independence for people in agriculture who want to continue to farm after experiencing a disabling ...
Swank Program Research Finds that Ohio’s Small Business and Entrepreneurship Environment Lacks Dynamism
entrepreneurial sectors. First, the state should consider expanding programs which provide young people with ... typically assume that people follow jobs, the economics literature on migration has shown that amenities ...
Swank Program Research Finds that Ohio’s Small Business and Entrepreneurship Environment Lacks Dynamism
entrepreneurial sectors. First, the state should consider expanding programs which provide young people with ... typically assume that people follow jobs, the economics literature on migration has shown that amenities ...
Research from Professor Elena Irwin, Professor Mark Partridge, AEDE Swank Chair in Rural-Urban Policy, and AEDE alumnus Heather Stephens, PhD, profiled in Twine Line, a magazine of The Ohio Sea Grant College Program
people to move to communities along the coast, but homeowners were willing to pay substantially more for ... higher income, higher educated people, makes us optimistic.” You can read the full article here. The Ohio ...
PetPALS Grooming
used as the odor may bother some people. Bathing a pet too close to visiting may cause additional ... a toothpaste approved for your pet. One goal of this 4-H project is for young people and their animals to form ...
PetPALS Socialized Test
test the team using a mobility aid to further prepare the team for visiting people where mobility aids ...
Ohio State Food Science Student Receives $25,000 STEM Scholarship from Monsanto
able to meet the demands of feeding a growing global population of nine billion people by 2050.” The ...