
Search results

  1. Three Years Later, 'Green' 4-H Center Going Strong

    benefits that simply cannot be quantified. "It's a good feeling to be able to show people that ...

  2. To Escape a Wet Harvest Plant Early Season Soybeans

    People don't like short crops. To them bigger is better," said Beuerlein, who also holds ...

  3. Soybean Rust Infections Remain Low

    impact, said Dorrance. "If people can remember, this situation is somewhat like (Hurricane) Ivan. It ...

  4. OSU Plant Pathologist Awarded for Excellence in Extension Outreach and Education

    include Mike Ellis and Pat Lipps. "It's a humbling experience because some great people from ...

  5. OSU Extension ID System for Animal-Drawn Vehicles Becomes Standard

    Amish communities and university efforts. The list of people who have had their hands working on this ...

  6. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Oh, Deer, Where's the Velvet? (for the Week of Nov. 23, 2008)

    once its work is done. People who eat deer velvet (also called velvet antler) believe it helps their ...

  7. New Department of Plant Pathology Chair Named

    students and whose prime motivation was to help young people learn both in and outside of the ...

  8. NE Ohio Nursery Plants Trees in Tornado-hit Secrest: 'It's a Pay-it-forward Thing'

    120 acres virtually clearcut. Since then, Cochran said, “The support from people in the ...

  9. Family Fundamentals: Happy Holidays? Cope with Stress, Tension

    a time many people feel lonely or soberly self-reflective as the year draws to a close. Combine that with ...

  10. Chow Line: Your nose knows ripe cantaloupe (for 7/2/06)

    about all those other people who may have sniffed your nice, ripe cantaloupe before you did, rinsing ...
