
Search results

  1. For some things, Columbus is still the best test market

    people to physically test a product. That’s especially true for food testing because people have such ...

  2. Wildlife Diversity Conference 2018

    800-WILDLIFE (945-3543). People who register before Thursday, March 1, will receive a discounted rate of $25, ...

  3. Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Interviews

    Do you love working with people and animals? Drop into 385 Kottman Hall with your resume and talk ...

  4. Money Management/Spending Smartly

    course program designed to help people get control over their finances. In addition to information and ...

  5. Innovate Conference

    is a time for bringing people together across disciplines and across adoption barriers. The ...

  6. OSU Science Café at Thompson Library-- Ohio's Forests-- Planning for Threats: Climate Change, Invasives, and More

    Ohio’s forests and people, and a new exhibit at the iconic Thompson Library highlights Ohio’s forests: ...

  7. Oil and Gas Drilling Impacts? Talk Aims to Show Bigger Picture

    The environmental impacts of oil and gas production “are much broader than what most people ...

  8. National Coming Out Day

    transgender people (and those whose sexual or gender identity falls somewhere else along the spectrum) ... to people and places and communities we want to learn more about. ...

  9. Faculty presenting at upcoming Ecological Food and Farming Conference

    urban farming. How a new perennial grain could have double uses, as food for people and forage for ... especially for beginning farmers. About 1,200 people — farmers, gardeners, foodies, green living advocates ... 3:30 p.m.). Culman and Kleinhenz, “Base Cation Balance: What Are Crops, Soils, Weeds and People ...

  10. Environmental Film Series-- Return of the River

    Elwha River in Washington State is a story about people and the land they inhabit. The film captures the ... begins. The film features people and perspectives on all sides of the Elwha debate, reflecting the many ...
