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McSpadden Gardener Lab- People
Dr. Brian McSpadden Gardener received his PhD in Botany from Michigan State University in 1998. He began work in the field of biological control of plant pathogens as an ARS postdoctoral fellow under the guidance of Dr. David Weller. He joined the faculty ...
Communiqué January 10, 2011
our clientele, and how we communicate this to stakeholders. We can’t assume people know what we’re ...
Communiqué March 4, 2011
Resource Development. Class size will be limited to 25 people. The cost of the workshop is $20 for ...
Communiqué October 10, 2011
25 people, there is an additional cost of $15 per person beyond the 25-person maximum. The Business ...
Communiqué May 28, 2014
relatively crude right now, but will be more powerful in 10 years when people have grown up with it, and ...
Pierce Paul people profile
Pierce Paul I was born in a small country called Guyana, formally British Guiana, located on the northern coast of South America. My training in agriculture began at secondary school where I took the General Certificate of Education (GCE) examination in A ...
Archive 2007 2008
the Denman Forum. Dr. Boehm, who was nominated by Robert Beaulieu, was one of five people recognized ...