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  1. About Us

    Extension's Mission Engaging people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based ...

  2. Driven to succeed: OARDC-industry partnership is creating new jobs

    State people working with us in the lab. And we will continue to grow with Ohio State." Read ...

  3. 'The Science of Chocolate' and more: 4-H Science Saturdays start soon

    dogs can hear higher sounds than people can-- and how to build speakers out of paper, copper wire, and ...

  4. Qu Lab

    People Qu, Feng- E-mail: Office: 024 Selby Hall, Wooster; tel. (330) 263-3835 ...

  5. South America

    pending, the program may be offered in Cuba) This program shows students how people use animals every day. ...

  6. FAQs Online Courses

    already taken the course! We've had people from 24 states take the course. What is the course about? ... busy people. Sometimes you are not able to make it to classes that are in other counties, etc. This ...

  7. Explore Plant Pathology Careers

    "By 2030, the world's population will be 8.3 billion people and we must produce 50% more ...

  8. Urban farming in a parking lot? See it in action in Wooster

    principles involved, and that you can actually  do  this," Kovach said. "People say parking lots ...

  9. New undergraduate minor in sustainability now available

    environmental dimensions of sustainability-- often referred to as people, planet and profit. Through enrollment in the EEDS ...

  10. Agricultural Lender Seminars Featuring AEDE’s Douglas Southgate and Barry Ward Begin This Week

    presentation will focus on “Many People and Less Poverty in 2050: How to Satisfy Rising Demands on Food,” while ...
