
Search results

  1. Diversity & Inclusion

    Team supports is the Celebration of Nations held annually. Diversity is differences among people ...

  2. Farm Bill Expected to Meet Resistance

    three people involved in managing a farm can each receive a maximum of $125,000 a year on covered ... alone. Among the various proposed changes regarding payment limits, the bill makes several more people ... a farm. “There are a lot of people who believe large farmers are well off enough that payments to them ...

  3. Collegiate FFA

    people to get involved on campus!  Braxton James-           Cooper Meshew is serving ...

  4. DLS Helps to DIY

    activity completed with other people has been proven to burn more calories than doing it alone!  It builds ...

  5. Access, Excel, PowerPoint Workshops

    held, as there are already people registered, but space is still available if you see something you ...

  6. TODAY is the last day to RSVP for the Fun Fest

    Escape Room: Estimated 20 minutes (2 Rooms running simultaneously every 30 minutes. 10 people per each ...

  7. Land Use, Land Trusts, and "Smart Growth" Links

    special places, the farms, forests, parks and other green spaces that people love; helps land ... improving health and environment; promotes people-friendly, regional planning; healthy food from local ... people for parks, gardens, natural places, livable communities; conservation financing; GIS; ...

  8. On Farm Biosecurity to Keep Us and Employees Safe

    milking parlor, and anything else people may touch. Porous Surfaces on the Farm For porous surfaces, such ...

  9. Frequently Asked Questions for Parents

    We are a very close-knit community, and people look out for each other.  We also have ... experience.   3. What if my son or daughter experiences roommate problems? Learning to live with other people ...

  10. Cover Crops for Prevented Planting Acres

    be Alan Sundermeier, OSU Extension, Wood County.  Resource people who will be available to answer ...
