
Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H Dog Expo

    Experienced 4-H dog volunteers and resource people will be present to help 4-H members. Dog project members ...

  2. Statewide Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training

    4-H PetPALS (People and Animals Linking Successfully) is an intergenerational  4-H project ...

  3. Summer Position for College Student

    self-motivated, enthusiastic and demonstrate good people skills. This is a paid position. 20% Prepare program ...

  4. Science Saturday- Healthy Soils CSI Challenge

    to feeding people throughout the world. Limited to the first 24 registrations received. ...

  5. Help for Injured or Aging Farmers

    University Extension’s Ohio AgrAbility program. The program offers free on-site assessments for people with ... and 21 at 10 a.m. Under the Ohio AgrAbility tent at the Review, people can see motorized doors for ... shock absorbers to prevent a bumpy ride. “People might think ‘I don’t have a disability. I don’t need to ...

  6. Common Uses on the Farm

    and positioning aids: These products help people with disabilities sit comfortably and safely. air ... category that includes all types of sensory aids to help people who are blind, low vision, deaf, or hard of ... deaf-blind. Personal mobility aids: These help people with mobility limitations move more freely indoors and ...

  7. Farm Management for New & Small Farms

    couples.  Registration deadline is January 30, 2017.  Space is limited to 30 people. Week 1:  Developing ...

  8. What’s the buzz: Caffeine has its good and bad aspects

    consume caffeine regularly. “For the most part people said ‘Yeah, I consume a lot, but I’m okay with ... that,’” Pohlschneider said. People can build up a tolerance to caffeine, but cannot technically get ... differently to it,” Pohlschneider said. “The biggest thing that I would tell people is, pay attention to the ...

  9. Spring Dairy Expo

    dairy cows, dedicated people and the incredible youth that make up Ohio’s dairy industry. The 2018 show ...

  10. PetPALS Stress in Animals

    person reacts differently to the stresses in his or her life. Some people deal better with stress than ... may stress pets during animal-assisted activities:  Meeting strange animals and strange people Unusual ... Being petted by strange people or people they don’t like Being petted incorrectly Being in very cold or ...
