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Does Pipeline Installation have a Lasting Effect on Crop Yields?
Numerous underground oil and gas pipelines have been installed through Ohio farmland over the past several years. This has left many growers wondering if this installation will have lasting impacts on their soils and crops. Last fall, we collected soil an ...
Theresa Brehm
Theresa Brehm ...
Are Crops Catching Up?
Elmore, Matthew J. Boyer, & Stephanie K. Marlay. 2011. Corn Growth and Development. Iowa State Univ. ...
It’s State of Ohio Fair Time!
Join thousands of people across the state who visit the county fairs every year. Events range from ...
Weather Update: A Wet Start to Summer
A few months ago, there was some concern that if May did not produce decent rainfall, we would be heading toward a hot, dry summer. However, since the start of summer, a strong heat dome has dominated the weather in the west, leaving an active jet stream ...
Rainy Weather and Wheat Straw Quality
Not only has rain delayed the harvest of some fields for grain, it has also delayed the baling of straw in several fields that have been harvested. In Ohio, wheat straw is sometimes just as important or even more important than grain, as it is used as bed ...
Foliar Diseases and Fungicide Decisions in Corn
This July has been one of the wettest on record, and with the extra moisture, comes concerns about diseases. Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) and, to a lesser extent, northern corn leaf blight (NCLB), have already been reported in some fields, well before tasseling i ...
Western Bean Cutworm Peaking in Ohio
Western bean cutworm (WBC) numbers for the week ending July 18 continue to increase across the state. Eight counties including, Ashtabula, Champaign, Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Lorain, Lucas and Woods have 7 or more moths per trap over the past week, indica ...
How to Distinguish Flooding Injury from Phytophthora or Pythium Root Rot in Soybeans
Flooding injury occurs when soils are saturated for several days and anoxia develops. The roots are killed, as are the nodules that are home to the nitrogen fixing bacteria. The field has an “interesting’ smell but the key symptoms of this injury are on ...
To Spray or Not to Spray…Foliar Products at R3
The R3 soybean growth stage is a common time to consider foliar application of fungicide, insecticide, and fertilizer. Before we jump into the potential yield outcomes of these products, let’s define the R3 growth stage. A soybean plant is at the R3 growt ...