
Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H Healthy Living Advocates

    to build a lot of teamwork and friendships with the people you stay with and while you work together ...

  2. Ohio State’s Food Recovery Network Teams Up With Seventh Son Brewing to Make Beer from Bagels

    Taking risks picking up food but people are depending on it more Responsible Bagel beer not a thing this ...

  3. Tax Value of Farmland Expected to Drop

    rising CAUV values in the past, he said. “So now that we have been in a prolonged period of what people ...

  4. Climate Change, Trade Liberalization, and Civil Strife

    I investigate the impact of food accessibility and trade barriers on people’s resentment level towards their ...

  5. Farm Bill Expected to Meet Resistance

    three people involved in managing a farm can each receive a maximum of $125,000 a year on covered ... alone. Among the various proposed changes regarding payment limits, the bill makes several more people ... a farm. “There are a lot of people who believe large farmers are well off enough that payments to them ...

  6. Ohio 4-H in the Nation's Capital

    at the USDA. It was great  see people from the surrounding buildings came together at this farmers ...

  7. Government Academy Workshop 10: The Constitution and Criminal Procedure

    Meetings and Board Procedures * April 18, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and ...

  8. Government Academy Workshop 7: Sunshine Ethics

    Procedures * April 18, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May ...

  9. Government Academy Workshop 9: Strategic Planning 102- Building Entrepreneurial Communities

    2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 ...

  10. Government Academy Workshop 8: Zoning, Taxes, and Levies for Public Officials

    2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 ...
