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Camilla Richards
Camilla Richards ...
Celeste Nye
Celeste Nye ...
Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases
Many corn fields in Ohio are rapidly approaching silking (R1), and foliar diseases such as Gray leaf spot have been observed where the environment has been conducive to disease development, prompting growers to consider fungicide applications. The informa ...
Digital Activism
more. How Social Media and Activism Work Together People have discovered new ways to communicate and ... and collaboration across diverse groups of people. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge The ALS Association ran ... assistive technologies, as well as to increase access to healthcare and services for people with ALS. The ...
COVID-19 and the APIDA Community: Impacts, Historical Oppression, and Allyship
paper. Increasing just as quickly is xenophobia, which is a fear, prejudice or hatred of people from ...
Western Bean Cutworm Numbers Begin to Increase Across Ohio
Western bean cutworm (WBC) numbers for the week ending July 11 have increased to the point where scouting for egg masses is recommended in Fulton, Henry, Lorain and Lucas counties. Traps were monitored from July 5 – 11 and resulted in a statewide average ...
Soybean Defoliation: It Takes a lot to Really Matter!
The mid-season defoliators are beginning to show up in soybean fields across Ohio. These defoliators include first generation bean leaf beetles, Japanese beetles, grasshopper nymphs and several different caterpillars such as silver-spotted skippers, paint ...
Tar Spot Showing Early this Year: a Note on Diagnosis
I have so far only received one confirmed report of Tar Spot in the state, but the fact that the disease has been reported in a few neighboring states has some stakeholders asking questions about diagnosis and management. Tar Spot is a relatively easy dis ...
Wanderson B. Moraes
Wanderson B. Moraes ...