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Emma Matcham
Emma Matcham Ashtabula County ...
Potassium Deficiency?
Potassium deficiency symptoms of corn and soybean include yellowing/browning of lower (older) leaves with edges exhibiting symptoms first. Potassium deficiency symptoms can indicate low soil test potassium (K), but may also be related to recent dry soils, ...
Emergency Forages to Plant Mid-Summer
First and second cutting hay yields are being reported as lower than usual in many areas of Ohio this year. Forages took a hit from the late freezes and cold weather this spring, followed by dry weather after first cutting. Fortunately, hay quality is muc ...
Application of Manure to Double Crop Soybeans to Encourage Emergence
Wheat harvest will soon be wrapped up in Ohio and some farmers will plant double-crop soybeans. The summer manure application window following wheat harvest is typically the 2 nd largest application window each year. In recent years there has been more in ...
Corn Growth in Hot and Dry Conditions
In recent days we have been experiencing 90 degree F days with limited precipitation, and so we are starting to see some leaf rolling in corn. Some of this may be related to reductions in soil moisture, but may be related to restricted root systems as wel ...
PetPALS Stress in Animals
person reacts differently to the stresses in his or her life. Some people deal better with stress than ... may stress pets during animal-assisted activities: Meeting strange animals and strange people Unusual ... Being petted by strange people or people they don’t like Being petted incorrectly Being in very cold or ...
Program staff attend CTC annual meeting
Ohio Northern University. More than 250 people including farmers, educators, consultants, state and ...
OSU South Centers to host Blueberry, Bramble, and Wine Grape Field Night
for people looking to understand more advanced growing techniques,” said Slaughter. “No matter your ... University South Centers enhance southern Ohio by assisting people with informed decision-making through ...
INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Northern Marianas College
the olden days- as I've been told by people on the island- back when this island was under the ... environmental sizes, so this kids-- you're trying to teach this young people the value of our natural ... production side, but more on the education side for young people." I said, "Absolutely." The ...