
Search results

  1. For the Birds

    harmful to both livestock and people. According to John Paul Seman, Wildlife Biologist with USDA, APHIS ... made available to starlings, an employee watches to be sure that no songbirds, animals, people, or ...

  2. Ohio State will study how deglobalization could impact food, energy and water systems in region

    investment in the people and resources needed to continuously accelerate discovery at Ohio State. By building ...

  3. Precision Agriculture Webinar offered Jan. 20

    availability of OSU Extension programing, especially for farmers and growers in areas where people can’t attend ... people’s hands.” Other webinars are planned for the series include: Feb. 3 — Soybean production, featuring ...

  4. May 22 Workshop: Have Your Landscape and Eat It Too

    workshop says yes, you can. “People have a renewed interest in growing plants that not only look nice but ...

  5. Milking Excellence

    animals.  Provide good nutritional programs. Use Appropriate Consultants.  Develop a team of people with ...

  6. Ohio AgritourismReady Conference

    people from the same farm or business. The deadline to register is April 3. Registration includes lunch ...

  7. Students Invited to Compete in SmartAg 4.0

    with the support of business strategists, subject matter experts, thought leaders and idea people ...

  8. See How a Tree Grown in Northern Ohio Becomes, Say, an Amish-Made Dining Room Chair

    including Amish-made lumber and furniture. “We hope people find it an eye-opening experience,” said ...

  9. Media Advisory: Zika Virus: Ohio State Expert Available to Speak about Mosquitoes that Carry Disease

    30 people in the U.S. who contracted the disease while traveling abroad. In Brazil, Zika virus has ...

  10. Dicamba Restrictions Added

    labels to add various constraints including stating that only people certified to apply restricted-use ...
