
Search results

  1. Pre-harvest Sprouting and Falling Number

    Persistent rainfall over the last several days has prevented some wheat fields from being harvested. This could lead to pre-harvest sprouting and other grain quality issues. However, the extent to which sprouting occurs will depend on the variety and how ...

  2. Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw

    Before removing straw from the field, it is important farmers understand the nutrient value. The nutrient value of wheat straw is influenced by several factors including weather, variety, and cultural practices. Thus, the most accurate values require send ...

  3. Steps to Speed up Field Curing of Hay Crops

    The rainy weather in many regions of Ohio and surrounding states is making it difficult to harvest hay crops.  We usually wait for a clear forecast before cutting hay, and with good reason because hay does not dry in the rain! Cutting hay is certainly a g ...

  4. Late Wheat Harvest and Grain Quality Concerns

    Most of the winter wheat in Ohio has been harvested. However, persistent wet weather has delayed harvest in some areas of the state. Late harvest coupled with excessive rainfall means more time for late-season mold growth, mycotoxin accumulation, test wei ...

  5. COVID-19 and the APIDA Community: Impacts, Historical Oppression, and Allyship

    paper. Increasing just as quickly is xenophobia, which is a fear, prejudice or hatred of people from ...

  6. Ask the Expert Sessions to Be Held Live During 2020 Farm Science Review.

    site. Within that image, people can click on the various icons to find the schedules for talks and demos ... Science Review. Our experts will share science-based recommendations and solutions to the issues people ...

  7. Inaugural Tri-State Precision Agriculture Conference will Feature Current Trends in Tillage

    Join OSU Extension Henry County for the inaugural Tri-State Precision Agriculture Conference on August 11, 2021. Speakers will discuss current trends in tillage equipment, and equipment demonstrations will feature high speed tillage, vertical tillage, str ...

  8. Forage Fertility: Where We Are and Why it Matters

    Hay and haylage crops are grown on just over 1 million acres in Ohio (NASS, 2019) and are grown on more Ohio farms (44% of all farms) than any other crop (Becot et al., 2020). In addition, there are over 1.3 million acres of pastureland on nearly 39,000 f ...

  9. Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias

    and backgrounds shape our perceptions of other people in ways that can unconsciously widen the ... diversity gap and negatively influence the people we interact with. Participants will learn how to identify ...

  10. Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias

    and backgrounds shape our perceptions of other people in ways that can unconsciously widen the ... diversity gap and negatively influence the people we interact with. Participants will learn how to identify ...
