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sparsaon Blackberry in Ohio. Plant Dis. 103:162. Karhoff, S., Lee, S., Rouf Mian, M.A. Ralston, T.I., ... planipennis). Plant People Planet–DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10077. Silatsa BA, Kuiate JR, Njiokou F, Simo G, Feussom JK, ...
Smartphone app reveals patterns in how people choose and eat leftovers
economics. However, few studies have explored people’s behaviors surrounding household leftovers, limiting ... future consumption. The researchers analyzed data from 18 people living in or near Baton Rouge, ...
Ohio State Helps Develop Money Management Tool Available Online
one of four researchers involved in the project. The principal investigator is Stephanie Moulton of ... continue to be refined, and people who are using it are providing constructive feedback as well as positive ...
Evaluating Consumer Food Waste Reduction Interventions
personal attitudes, perceived behavioral control, the number of people in a household, and the amount of ... Emerging evidence suggests a link between young people’s interest in alternative food production practices ...
Agribusiness and Applied Economics student's path paved by his trust in himself, his future and FFA
compliment my passions." Passions that include people, thriving in business, and being a part of ...
Farm Office Live Webinar
people. Recordings will be posted on the following day. For Monday evening April 6th, ...
A Note from AEDE Chair
Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment Webinar On Tuesday, May 12, 2020 from 10:00 ... for People and the Environment Webinar through keynotes and panel discussions to help us better ...
The roots of slowing climate change are in trees
energy sources on the electric grid, having more people drive electric cars and hybrids, and increasing ...
Fridge Study Reveals American Buying, Storing, and Consuming Trends During COVID-19
often. A group of researchers with the Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative recently surveyed 500 people ... expected to eat versus what they actually consumed. They found that in general, people overestimated how ...
Tri-State Emerald Ash Borer Workshop is April 9 in Indiana
(OARDC); and Sharon Lucik, APHIS. Their topics: EAB and what it does, where it is, how it affects people ... who have ash trees on their property, and what those people can do about it. The afternoon program, ... Stephanie Miller, urban forester, Ohio Department of Natural Resources. ââ¬â ââ¬ÅSources of ...