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Classes for April, May and June 2020
items, events, people and more. It's a great refresher for those who have trained in the past and ... websites work. This includes how to create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more. It's ... edit pages, news items, events, people and the general guidelines for content placement. It is ...
4-H Rocks! 4-H Week
Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today, send a flyer to 5 new people and invite ...
CD Wire- April 19, 2021
Director of LOD at OSU Extension. Within the next few hours, I heard from a few people saying that the ... monitoring activities. Appointing People on Sponsored Programs- May 11 from 9 to 11 a.m. In this session ... recognizing that people often have many different types of trauma that impact their daily lives. People who ...
Work in the Time of COVID: Catching up with Ellia La
dates I can still reconnect with friends from home or some people I don’t get to see because of spatial ... great for people with disabilities or who are less mobile and also for people like me who have more ... her high school district. “I’m connecting with people I haven’t connected with in a really long time ...
Hiring Two Student Assistants for Summer 2020!
Self-Motivation, Enthusiastic & Demonstrate good people skills. For complete details, please click here. ...
Balasubramaniam receives 2021 IFT Achievement Award
people in Kenya and beyond. Oniang’o, through the Rural Outreach Program-Africa, an organization that she ...
Understanding Community Needs and Assets: Tools and Approaches
(people, skills, infrastructure, civic organizations, natural resources, and many more) that can be built ... Your Community Sometimes you may want to engage in conversations with people to find out what they ... you make sense out of several people’s answers to your questions? Don’t worry. The process is called ...
CD Wire- January 4, 2021
1 to 3 p.m.- Appointing People on Sponsored Programs (Deadline to register is January 27.) Types of ... recognizing that people often have many different types of trauma that impact their daily lives. People who ... public-private partnership in regional planning to support flows of people, goods, and resources among big ...
Website Training Classes for 2019
items, events, people and more. It's a great refresher for those who have trained in the past and ... create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more. It's a great refresher for those who ... events, people and the general guidelines for content placement. It is required that anyone who will be ...
CD Wire- June 14, 2021
the world, and other days not so much. Luckily, people tend to adapt well to stressful situations and ... Indicators of Account Compromise- BuckeyePass (supported by Duo): There have been some cases where people ...