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EPN Community Connections Blog- May 2020
individual to support you. Thank people for their time, advice, and encouragement. Keep the relationship ... external contacts and then list people who might fit in each category. Developing an outline of the points ... you want to cover or questions you think would be helpful to ask before contacting people from your ...
Signature Areas
directed its resources to advance knowledge and generate economic development opportunities for the people ...
Workshop speaker information
directly with county boards of developmental disabilities, service providers, and people accessing services ... to promote engagement where people work, live, and play, as well as promoting technology as the first ... consideration in solving service delivery issues while supporting people with developmental disabilities who ...
Ohio AgrAbility Educational Workshops
is open to the public be accessible to people with disabilities. With planning and proactive design, ...
of people who share their passion for our world and its environment, natural resources, people, and ...
Equity strategies in water affordability for marginalized communities
a people-centered model for protecting the Great Lakes. Crystal enjoys connecting individuals and communities to the ...
Last Stand- Ted Turner's Quest to Save a Troubled Planet. An Evening with Environmental Journalist, Todd Wilkinson — A Signature EPN Event
Wilkinson, on issues of western land use, bison, wildlife and people and the differences native Ohioan Ted ...
Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer Program presents Eli Pariser Oct. 15
are working to bring people back into contact with each other and with reality. Tuesday, October 15, ...
Caregiving during a pandemic or illness
groups of people. This is admittedly very difficult, so here are some thoughts: If you are working ... This will help the healthcare provider’s office take steps to keep other people in the office or ... other people If the patient is not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble ...
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enhancing the well-being of people throughout the world through research on food, agriculture, family, and ...