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  1. A DAY in the WOODS (Virtual)

    biologists,  Stephanie Downs (ODNR-Division of Forestry) and many others based on questions submitted.  Submit ...

  2. Virtual Dining with Diabetes Cooking School

    your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with ...

  3. Crawford County Cattlemen Plan Beef Finishing Tour, You’re Invited

    9:00 am and will have a bus available if people want a ride with us from Bucyrus. Once it is full we ...

  4. Ohio State Organic Experts Among OEFFA Conference Speakers

    double uses, as food for people and forage for livestock, and also double benefits, helping soil and ... people — farmers, gardeners, foodies, green living advocates and others — are expected to attend. The ... 3:30 p.m.). Culman and Kleinhenz, “Base Cation Balance: What Are Crops, Soils, Weeds and People ...

  5. New Report Shows Agriculture Productivity Consistently Up

    wholesaling/retailing. The loss of agricultural jobs is especially challenging for people living in Ohio’s rural areas, ... is that Ohio’s restaurants and bars have experienced strong growth, employing more people and ...

  6. Ohio State expert warns about effect of rock salt on plants

    people just take a handful and toss it around,” Bennet said. “Make sure you are applying them according ...

  7. More Fertilizer Certification Opportunities in 2018

    fertilizer on 50 or more acres of land. So far, 18,600 people across the state have gone through the required ... likely, most people who need the certification have gotten it, LaBarge said. It’s difficult to determine ...

  8. Bugged by Bugs in Your Home This Winter? Take Steps in Spring and Summer

    can do For starters, Boggs said, “I always tell people to go up in their attic with the lights off, so ... people to consider walking around the outside of their home and taking a look,” Boggs said. “Even on ...

  9. FCS 2022 Generation Rx Summer Programs

    evidence-informed educational program that aims to educate people of all ages about safe medication-taking practices ... members have educated nearly 3 million people nationwide.  Using audience-specific toolkits (available ...

  10. Youth Discover Food Prep through Jr. Chefs Program

    young people wearing birthday hats as they went about the business of learning their way around the ...
