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  1. 2024-25


  2. Regional Crop Updates: July 23-29

    Dry conditions continue through most of the state with potential relief in the forecast. Weed escapes and economics of a fungicide application were common observations or question topics received by Ohio State University Extension Educators and Specialist ...

  3. Two August Field Days to Explore Barriers and Benefits of Crop and Livestock Integration

    Over the last 50 years, both crop and livestock production systems in the U.S. have become increasingly specialized and separated. A two-year Ohio State project has partnered with 31 working Ohio farms to examine the economic, ecological, and social impac ...

  4. 2024 Ohio Wheat Performance Test- Results Available Online

    Results from the 2024 Ohio Wheat Performance Test are now online by clicking here. This year’s report includes 84 winter wheat varieties and 17 brands grown in five counties (Wood, Wayne, Darke, Union, and Pickaway) (Figure 1). In fall 2023, wheat was pla ...

  5. Dr. Natasha Myhal

    vulnerabilities Indigenous peoples face with the effects of climate change. Her academic training is rooted in ...

  6. Organic Grain Production Field Day

    Join Greg and Blake Bishop on their farm, along with other organic grain experts, for this event focused on the practice and profits of organic grain. The event is focused around the 3M's crucial in organic transition- mindset, machinery, and marketi ...

  7. Weather Extremes Abound

    Climate Summary June was a warm month for Ohio, with temperatures averaging 1-3°F above the long-term mean (1991-2020). This was especially true for June 16-22, a 5-day stretch with daytime highs at or above 90°F. This was the second longest consecutive 9 ...

  8. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: Projection for the Weeks of July 21 and 29

    This week we continue providing updates pertaining to the projected risk of grain contamination with the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON), which is commonly referred to as vomitoxin. This week, the focus is on fields reaching the silking or R1 growth stage ...

  9. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 17 – Crop Progress Update

    Episode 17 of Battle for the Belt is now available: In Episode 17, we spoke with Dr. Laura Lindsey, Ohio State Soybean Extension Specialist, and Dr. Osler Ortez, Ohio State Corn Extension Specialist, to go over ...

  10. Lep Monitoring Network – Time to Scout for Western Bean Cutworm, Update # 14

    We have just finished out our fourteenth week of monitoring at the Lep Network. This past week, we saw WBC numbers trending down and CEW numbers close to zero across the state.  Western bean cutworm numbers topped out with Sandusky County having the highe ...
