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  1. Thriving Across the Life Span

    notably, Ohio 4-H uses a youth development approach to help young people develop characteristics that ...

  2. Entrepreneurial Network Introductory Guide

    learn to improve: Awareness of people and organization with influence in your city. Knowledge of social ... based on the perspective of people committed to engagement in urban communities. If you have ...

  3. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Franklin & Crawford County

    front of a livestock show arena, and talked with people as they walked about the fairgrounds. We played ... opportunities they provide. The majority of people we spoke with in Franklin County were consumers, which was ...

  4. Inclusive Engagement

    communities, consider what you know about the people who live, work, play, learn, and worship in your city. ...

  5. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: 1 Week, 3 County Fairs

    were happy to share the word of sustainability and the contributions of agriculture with the people of ... different types of people, but one thing that everyone shares is an appreciation for sustainable practices. ...

  6. Working Groups

    surroundings. OSU Extension has nationally recognized programs that help people make healthy choices and ... with the knowledge, skills, and tools needed to produce healthy people, relationships, and finances at ... Perhaps most notably, Ohio 4-H uses a youth development approach to help young people develop ...

  7. People, Nature and Justice: Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Cities of the Global South

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  8. Effective Employee Management

    mirror. People often leave a job due to bad management. Good managers build employee morale and keep ... people Holding people back: Good managers provide employees with opportunities for advancement and ways ... focus on solutions. Frequent threats of firing: This makes people feel like they are disposable and ...

  9. Sustainable Choices For Music Festivals

    festival for life if attendees carpool, offers a bottle exchange program, and more to motivate people to be ... products to lessen your carbon footprint and be more sustainable. Nowadays, many people like to wear ... camping for the duration of the festival. Many people bring their own tents to these festivals, but will ...

  10. Special Project Puts Ohio 4-H in Cleveland, Cincinnati Classrooms

    community, and there is a lot of support for the program," he said. Stephanie Eafford, principal at ... Cincinnati. Writers: Martha Filipic Sources: Rob Isner, Tony Staubach, Bob Horton, and Stephanie Eafford ...
