
Search results

  1. Communication Resources

    Introduction Urban Extension includes a diverse group of people and environments. With multiple ... Freeimages Disabled and Here (photos/illustrations celebrating disabled Black, Indigenous, people of color ...

  2. Options for 2021 Private Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification

    Karhoff at 419-636-5608 to arrange date and time ...

  3. Share your Talent in the 2020 Barnyard Friends Drawing Contest

    Ohio 43506, by e-mail to, or returned to the OSU Extension Williams County Office. ...

  4. Master of Applied Economics program connects students to industry

    real-world issues faced by organizations. “Employers are looking for people who can hit the ground running, ... want to think. So you can strategically approach problems in a different way than most people in fields ...

  5. Downscaling the measurement of sustainability

    services, and people across space."       The distribution of capital and wealth can be very uneven ...

  6. H. Allen Klaiber

    microeconmetrics techniques to analyze these choices, consistent measures of the tradeoffs people are willing to ... recover consistent measures of the tradeoffs people are willing to make to alter their surroundings. This ...

  7. Summit on Extension in Ohio's Urban Communities

    opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic, and environmental ... Programs (Relevance and Impacts) The people we reach/don't reach. Our programs, products, and events. ...

  8. Ohio's Urban, Suburban, and Rural Connection

    a dynamic flow of people and other resources throughout all geographic areas along the urban and rural ... demonstrate a dynamic flow of people and other resources throughout all geographic areas along the urban and ... strategies to bring people and ideas together in ways that are relevant locally, responsive statewide, and ...

  9. Agriculture plays key role in limiting climate change

    people around the world can undertake to mitigate climate change,” said Sohngen, who has worked with the ... options and more ways for people to get involved in mitigating climate change that are within the realm of ... being cost effective,” Sohngen said. “Part of the reason why people are more optimistic about this ...

  10. Urban Plan of Work

    communicates. Programs (Relevance and Impacts) The people OSU Extension reaches/doesn’t reach through programs, ...
