
Search results

  1. Fall Bird Walk with Austin Langdon

    Research shows that people that hang out with birds experience an upswing in their general mood. ...

  2. Free Happiness 101 Webinar

    about happy people, and ways to increase your own happiness. Register at: (and ...

  3. A Winter Solstice Note

    support allowed us to engage around 16,000 people through:  25 individual group tours during the growing ...

  4. Student Engagement with OSU Extension

    aspirations. Check out this 3-minute video about real people working for OSU Extension.   EXISTING AND EMERGING ... EXTENSION CAREERS Are you interested in a career that allows you to work with diverse groups of people ...

  5. ArboBlitz 2021

    3 hours. Then, the following Arbor Day, we dedicate those trees in honor of the wonderful people that will ...

  6. Tree University: Powerful Pawpaws  Other Details Approximately 24 hours before the webinar, you will receive a Zoom link to connect ...

  7. Side Effects of Singulair/Montelukast

    drug is currently prescribed to over 35 million people in the United States. Since last March, the ... more people about the potential side effects in children, youth, and adults. Educational Resources: ...

  8. Food Allergies

    cases, people can experience  anaphylaxis  (pronounced an-uh-fil-LAX-is), which is a serious allergic ... food allergy reactions. There is no cure for food allergies. People with food allergies must avoid the ...

  9. Healthy People

    Our Healthy People programs seek to educate Ohio residents about living healthy lives. Our Healthy ... People programs include lessons on healthy eating and cooking, physical activity, sun safety, food ... preservation, and food safety. The overall goal of Healthy People programming is to equip Ohioans with the ...

  10. Multicultural Self-Awareness Workshop Online Version

    ways in which to view interactions with people different from themselves.The online workshop is taking ...
