
Search results

  1. Ohio Laws Governing Manure and Mud on Roadways

    damage, injury, or death to people or damage to vehicles on the road.  Harmed parties may bring ...

  2. Virtual Dining with Diabetes Cooking School

    your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with ...

  3. Tenth Anniversary of Dairy Palooza

    Smith, and myself. Layer in all the presenters, donators, and behind the scenes people and you have an ... extraordinary group of selfless people dedicated to the cause of educating the next generation. If you would ...

  4. Food Waste News

    committed to two missions: first, to educate people about reducing food waste, and second, to explore ways ...

  5. Recognizing and Managing Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle

    people.  Depending upon their level of production, temperatures as low as 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit can ...

  6. 4-H Professionals Inservice

    make our 4-H program more welcoming to all the people we serve. The purpose of the IDI discussion and ...

  7. Corn Silage Harvest Safety Should Be Priority One

    people walking around moving equipment. First be sure everyone is aware of the additional equipment ...

  8. 2011 Graduates of the OSU Dairy Certificate Program

    was this year with the following graduates: Stephanie Adams (London, OH), Jason Hartschuh (Bloomville, ... right): Front row – Alissa Hunter and Hanna Lemle Back row – Chad Riethman and Stephanie Adams Not ...

  9. Principal Investigator Considerations

    responsibilities include: Provide leadership, support, and guidance to the people who may be hired to do the ... outcomes promised in the proposal and/or contract; Enough involvement with the project and/or the people to ... who and what will be involved. You need to be prepared to fulfill your promises to the people who ...

  10. Annual Banquet for the Buckeye Dairy Club and the Department of Animal Sciences

    – Chad Riethman; Lemmermen – Kevin Jacque; COBA/Select Sires Wallace Erickson –Stephanie Neal; Dairy ... officers for the Buckeye Dairy Club are: President- Stephanie Adams; First Vice-President – Jason ... Council Representative – Teresa Smith; and Web Page-  Stephanie Neal. Another highlight of the program was ...
