
Search results

  1. USDA ERS Dairy Outlook: January 2023

    the year. There are many resources and people available to help you be successful. ...

  2. Cooking Demos at All People’s Fresh Market

    20, and 27, 2022 WHERE:  All People's Fresh Market, 945 Parsons Ave, Columbus, OH 43206         ...

  3. A Farm Advisory Team Can Help You Succeed

    nutrition and health, crop variety selection, managing people, and monitoring financial performance are just ... a few of the items that add to the complexity.  Fortunately, there are several people available as ... a few of these people.  Each brings their own set of knowledge, skills, and experience to the table to ...

  4. Welcome Lindsey Latscha- Franklin County's New Area Leader

    part of The Ohio State University, Extension seeks to create opportunities for people to explore how ...

  5. School Garden Conference: Cultivating Common Ground

    diversity of plants and people that can be found in the garden. Sessions will focus on community-building, ...

  6. Talking Tomatoes and Panzanella in the Veggie Trials Garden with the OSUMC James Mobile Kitchen Team

    Tim McDermott, recently paired with Chef Katie and Chef Stephanie to provide the Ross Heart Hospital ...

  7. Ohio Laws Governing Manure and Mud on Roadways

    damage, injury, or death to people or damage to vehicles on the road.  Harmed parties may bring ...

  8. Virtual Dining with Diabetes Cooking School

    your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with ...

  9. Tenth Anniversary of Dairy Palooza

    Smith, and myself. Layer in all the presenters, donators, and behind the scenes people and you have an ... extraordinary group of selfless people dedicated to the cause of educating the next generation. If you would ...

  10. Food Waste News

    committed to two missions: first, to educate people about reducing food waste, and second, to explore ways ...
