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County Budget Shortfalls – OSU Extension Guidelines
must communicate frequently, effectively, and with many people. The first step is to determine who ... individuals. A basic list of people to be contacted immediately should include: Other personnel in your county ... Consider public meetings where large groups of people can come together to show their support. Consider ...
Rural and Farm Stress
materials that help people where they live and work. The work group understands that stress affects the ... Stress Management If you are feeling overwhelmed and need a place to turn, there are resources and people ...
DLS Helps to DIY
activity completed with other people has been proven to burn more calories than doing it alone! It builds ...
Lyme Disease- What You Need to Know
debilitation in both people and animals. Public Health Entolomologist Dr. Glen Needham and representatives ...
Lyme Disease- What You Need to Know
debilitation in both people and animals. Public Health Entomologist Dr. Glen Needham and representatives from ...
Agriculture and Natural Resources
website Statewide Office ...
Structure Recommendations: Summer 2017
relationships across program areas and bringing people together through successful teams that are inclusive, ... people accountable. Manage conflict. Collaborate for professional development with others scheduling time ... reimbursements, liaison with the county commissioners (may be different people) CAL Level – budget development, ...
Innovate Ohio State 2018
with technology. Innovate is a time for bringing people together across disciplines and across adoption ...
Memories and Milestones of OSU Extension
all the people who worked or were touched by Extension programs. In-depth contributions were made by ...
Fund Raising: Raffles, Bingo, Games of Chance
private companies and people may donate to a public agency, and employees or officials may solicit and/or ...