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  1. Ohio State Leads Effort to Prep Students for Biobased Careers

    bioeconomy industry will need highly educated young people with excellent skills to work effectively in ...

  2. Ohio Corn and Soybean Yield Predictions 'Optimistic'

    April 20 to May 10, Watters said. “I saw some people planting soybeans for the first time on June 15,” ...

  3. Chlorine

    oxidant. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who use water containing chlorine well in excess of the MRDL could ... experience irritating effects to their eyes and nose. Some people who drink water containing chlorine well in ...

  4. About Us

    Extension's Mission Engaging people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based ...

  5. Finding OSU images

    Choose pictures to make sure they represent your intended use. Look at what people are wearing, what is ...

  6. Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth's Magnetic Field

    that line up like a spine. Magnets in bacteria? Brian Lower stumps a lot of people when he first ...

  7. Toluene

    discharge from petroleum factories. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink water containing toluene well in ...

  8. Lead

    middle-aged and older people and can cause anemia.  Exposure to high lead levels can severly damage the brain ...

  9. NOAA, Partners Predict Significant Summer Harmful Algal Bloom for Western Lake Erie

    studying whether algal bloom toxins are getting into the fish people eat; and developing improved, ...

  10. TTHMs (Total trihalomethanes)

    in the water react with the disinfectants, chlorine and chloramine. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who ...
