
Search results

  1. Herbicide Rotation Key in the War Against Weeds

    produce up to 1 million seeds. In some parts of the state, people are particularly vigilant of Palmer ... and more people have issues with it,” he said. Since both waterhemp and Palmer amaranth have developed ... “People find an herbicide that works and they don’t change it,” Loux said. “That’s one of the things that ...

  2. 2018 Farm Financial Management School

    evening.  The registration cost is $50/person or for two people from the same farm business.  Sponsorships ...

  3. Safety in Working and Handling Livestock

    animals, like people, have individual temperaments and can sometimes exhibit unpredictable behavior.  For ... spooked.  For this reason, people recognized as good animal handlers commonly say to never work animals ...

  4. Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 3

    upcoming series of bee biology and identification workshops can help get people started. Olivia Carril, ... as a man’s thumb, and they seldom live in hives.” And yet many people don’t know how interesting and ...

  5. Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 4

    upcoming series of bee biology and identification workshops can help get people started. Olivia Carril, ... as a man’s thumb, and they seldom live in hives.” And yet many people don’t know how interesting and ...

  6. Bees in Your Backyard...And the Plants They Visit- Location 2

    upcoming series of bee biology and identification workshops can help get people started. Olivia Carril, ... as a man’s thumb, and they seldom live in hives.” And yet many people don’t know how interesting and ...

  7. 4-H Summer Highlights and Making Memories

    Fair Board and numerous young people represented Wayne County in numerous competitions ranging from ...

  8. Annie’s Project Retreat for Women in Agriculture

    to four people per room. Details can be found on the  Annie's Project Registration Flyer.  ...

  9. America Saves Week

    saving for? What is your savings story and how can it help other people? What is your favorite savings ...

  10. Keeping Farmers Safe

    a tabletop hazard hunt depicting a farm. People can inspect the mini farm scene to determine the number of ... Children 5 and under are free. More than 120,000 people typically attend the Review, an event sponsored by ...
