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Stan Gehrt quoted in Dispatch article focused on foxes
frequently,” said Gehrt. “They’re trying to figure out which is more dangerous, coyotes or people. Coyotes are ...
Australia Study Abroad – A Once in a Lifetime Experience
between people and their natural environment through sustainable development. SENR faculty, Dr. Eric ... so much about the environmental significance of the World Heritage areas to the local people and to ... insight into other people’s reality. Collectively, the experience has the power to change our world view ...
Exhibit educates public on Ohio’s forest resources
people. Mark Ervin, with the Ohio Society of American Foresters (OSAF), received the “Communicator of the ... with faculty and staff across campus to connect deeply with our community and people across the state.” ...
OSU Climate Change Webinar
Social Networks with Kenneth A. Frank & Tingqiao Chen, Michigan State University. People learn about ... changes as it moves through different networks of people How the change depends on the nature of the ... social structure through which it moves How roles people play in the transfer of information relate to ...
Entrepreneurial Innovation Introductory Guide
brief survey. This guide is frequently updated based on the perspective of people committed to ...
SENR Seminar Series
here), a partnership between the people of Marwa Village, the Kilimanjaro Hope Organization, University ...
Updates for People Pages
Recap Information of recent updates to SENR people profile pages for MMM We now have the ability ... specialization to the title field. It should be a brief description so when people look at the directory they ... will quickly see who does what. We already list some as shown on the Our People: Faculty page. ...
REI’s Sustainability Chief to Speak at Ohio State
more than 1,000 people, Hanselmann said. The network also hosts a series of monthly breakfast ...
TWEL Stephanie Hauver Thesis
The role of genetic relatedness in urban raccoon sociality Stephanie A. Hauver, MS Advisor: Stan ...
EPN PRESENTS: Earth and People – Lessons in Living Together
and People – Lessons in Living Together, Preserving our Present and Enriching our Future. Dr. M. ... Griffin Grand Ballroom. Over 1500 people may attend this free event; registration is open and is on-going ...