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  1. His Work Involves Keeping Your Water in Tune

    sharing his expertise with, among others, pond owners, agency workers, people who live along streams, and ...

  2. Rattan Lal honored by Elsevier

    Hydrobiology " journal in April 2013. “The health of soil, plants, animals, people, and ecosystems is one ... people. That’s especially true for micronutrient deficiency. If the soil is deficient, then the plants ... grown in it are deficient and the food consumed by people is deficient. Therefore landscape management ...

  3. On Farm Biosecurity to Keep Us and Employees Safe

    milking parlor, and anything else people may touch. Porous Surfaces on the Farm For porous surfaces, such ...

  4. Addressing Equity and Inclusion in Your Research Mentoring

    workshop. Attendance is limited to 30 people from any discipline although many of the case studies come from ...

  5. Cover Crops for Prevented Planting Acres

    be Alan Sundermeier, OSU Extension, Wood County.  Resource people who will be available to answer ...

  6. Stan Gehrt presents at the Crawford Soil and Water Conservation District annual meeting

    implications of this trend for people, pets, and other wildlife.  Location: The Pickwick Place, 1875 N. ...

  7. Ohio State Scientist Honored on World Soil Day

    affects” people’s health, including by limiting crop yields, increasing hunger and reducing the levels of ... environment and to people’s well-being. The U.N. later adopted the celebration during its Year of the Soil, ... to remember,” he said, “that the health of soil, plants, animals, people and ecosystems are one and ...

  8. Professor Lal Featured on RSTV Eureka

    integral relationship between the quality of soils, the health of people and the environment.            ...

  9. Generation Rx. Safe Medication Practices for Life.

    The mission of Generation Rx is to educate people of all ages about safe medication practices. ... education people of all ages about the potential dangers of misusing prescription medications. In doing so, ...

  10. Lauren E. Bates' Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    Mounting evidence suggests not only that people who spend time in natural space are physically and ... emotionally healthier, but also that lack of contact with nature results in people who develop suboptimally, ...
