
Search results

  1. Government Academy Workshop 3: Public Meetings and Board Procedures

    Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Communications for the Public ...

  2. Government Academy Workshop 2: Agriculture Agritainment Aritourism and Food Insecurity

    Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Communications for the Public ...

  3. Government Academy Workshop 1: Strategic Planning 101

    Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Communications for the Public ...

  4. Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop- Hardin County

    limited to 25 people. The following link will connect you to online registration: ...

  5. Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    Registration deadline is Thursday, February 14.  Registration is limited to 25 people.   The following link ...

  6. CANCELLED: Planning the Future of Your Farm: Succession Planning

    encouraged to attend.  Having multiple people present will help you in having these challenging conversations ... a farm ownership and responsibilities.   We must have at least 15 people in attendance to hold the ...

  7. Ramey completes internship with OSU Extension: Adventure Central

    Students complete coursework in program and people development, planning and leadership and gain the skills ... necessary to work with people of all ages and develop them into agents of change. For additional information ...

  8. LGBTQ

    Allies of United wiht LGBT People (PFLAG)LAG and or Stonewall Groups Cincinnatti Equality Cincinnatti ...

  9. Upcoming Events Focused on Preparedness

    conveyed, “People may say ‘Why do we need to practice earthquake drills in Ohio?’ We practice because Ohio ... EMA wants ShakeOut to get people to talk about emergency preparedness and to plan for all hazards and ...

  10. Western Bean Cutworm Numbers Continue to Increase

    Western bean cutworm (WBC) trap counts for the week of July 20 – 26 continue to increase in many counties across Ohio. A total of 26 counties monitored 88 traps, resulting in 636 WBC adults (7.2 statewide average moths per trap) (Figure 1). Counties that ...
