
Search results

  1. Improving Neighbor Relations in the Face of Palmer Amaranth, a New Weed with New Challenges

    (pig weed) family. Some people may ask, “Why the focus on pigweeds? We have had them for as long as ...

  2. News: 25 and Counting: South Centers Marks Anniversary with Sept. 15 Open House

    what the university does, bring new ideas and concepts and provide leadership to bring people together ...

  3. Animal Sciences Chili Cook-Off

    and fantastic chili! WHO: People who like to make and/or eat chili. All are invited! All entries are ...

  4. Are Ohio Dairy Farmers Satisfied With Local Suppliers?

    Dairies" link under the papers and presentations section at: ...

  5. ASI Eastern Region Predator Control Workshop

    County, at 50725 Ray Lane, Cumberland, OH  43732.  “One of the primary reasons that people are discouraged ...

  6. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1986-1992

    young people to move forward to new heights. Leading by example and working with and for people, Larry ...

  7. Heat Stress- Where Should You Start?

    more than 70% of people regularly carry an unpaid balance on credit cards. With increased use come ...

  8. Busted: rbST Milk Myth Machine is Revealed

    that people sincerely committed to living the cruelty-free lifestyle espoused by vegans must strive to ...

  9. Bovine Calving Management: Impact of Dystocia on Dairy Calves and Cows

    assistance, 2 = required some intervention by one person, 3 = required assistance of 2 or more people ...

  10. OSU Agriculture Safety and Health Professionals Offer Grain Handling Safety Tips

    it’s important for people to think about the safety issues involved when handing grain throughout the ...
