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2008 Recipients of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Awards
Prize and Scarlet and Gray Ag Day programs. Wayne has always been a willing mentor to young people ... traveled to Papua, New Guinea at the request of the Peace Corp to help the native bush people learn how to ... people, and The Ohio State University. DR. KENT HOBLET Pictured: Dr. Larry Smith, Dr. Jim Kinder, Dr. Kent ...
State Ambassadors at the Ohio State Fair
development and science. As a result of having an Ohio 4-H Education Center, over 3,000 people were able to ...
Swank Program Piece in The Conversation: How Should the U.S. Government Help Coal Communities?
those industries or funding investments in people and places. Industrial support aims to maintain ... in people and places through initiatives such as job retraining programs, small business support, and ... economic development in these areas, but it can improve the quality of life for people who are most ...
Recreation Demand for Great Lakes Beaches and Responses to Algae
30,000 people was conducted to identify likely beachgoers and a follow up survey was used to gather ...
An Evaluation of the Broadband Business Connection Across the Urban Hierarchy
people and businesses, this study will construct and estimate econometric models to evaluate the strength ...
Swamp's reach growing: Improvements will ramp up programs, impact
function, how to create and restore them, and how they benefit the environment and people. Water from the ...
Meet Mark Partridge: Professor, Swank Chair, and the “Most Influential Author in Regional Science”
key issues that have dominated regional science. For instance, issues of how people migrate in ... to visit many countries for my work. Yet, I caution people considering international travel that I am ...
Meet Mark Partridge: Professor, Swank Chair, and the “Most Influential Author in Regional Science”
key issues that have dominated regional science. For instance, issues of how people migrate in ... to visit many countries for my work. Yet, I caution people considering international travel that I am ...
Molds and Mycotoxins
grain is not uncommon; cows (and people) have probably been consuming these compounds for centuries. ... grain) found no adverse effects at rates greater than 10 ppm, but most people think it is not a single ...
Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration
the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, ...