
Search results

  1. Sustaining Farming, People Despite Climate Change: Program Is Jan. 26

    2 billion more people on the planet.   “They’re enormous challenges,” said the network’s coordinator, David ...

  2. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, ...

  3. Plant Power: Ohio Naturalist, Author to Speak on Protecting Ecosystems

    evidence that conservation of natural resources is in peoples’ best interest is overwhelming.”   The last ...

  4. Natural Gas Utilization by Ohio Agriculture

    a lot of people, including farmers,” said workshop organizer  Douglas Southgate, professor of ...

  5. The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI)

    Professor of Climate, People, and the Environment   David Liebl is a statewide outreach specialist for the ...

  6. #AskAg Twitter Chat on Agricultural Higher Education Featuring David Kraybill

    can help us meet the challenges of 2050 by feeding the expected 9 billion people the planet will ...

  7. SENR Seminar Series

    done within religious communities around the world to bring healing and restoration to people and land. ...

  8. Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management Under Harsh Conditions: Ancient and Modern Lessons From Yemen

    that allowed people to live under harsh environmental conditions. Part of this project involves a study ...

  9. Understanding Climate Change Risks and Identifying Opportunities for Mitigation and Adaptation in Ohio

    the people of Ohio?   The impacts of climate change are evident and will become more widespread and ...

  10. Open Food Trade, Safety Nets Crucial to Global Food Security: Ohio State Economist

    agency Reuters provides cheap food grains to 850 million people — can interfere with free food trade and ... Summit, food security is defined as “the state in which people at all times have physical, social and ...
