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Delaying Corn Harvest Could Affect Yields
several years. So we are really encouraging people to get their crop out of the field as soon as ...
Connecting Food Buyers and Sellers with MarketMaker at Farm Science Review
over 300,000 hits," said Fox. "People are using MarketMaker to find sources of locally grown ...
Ohio State Experts Work with State Agriculture Professionals to Devise Water Quality Recommendations
decision-making models with hydrological modeling and future climate change scenarios to examine how people ...
Chow Line: High-fructose corn syrup just like sugar (for 12/28/08)
December 19, 2008 I know people who refuse to eat anything that contains high-fructose corn syrup. ...
Family Fundamentals: Increasing emotional intelligence takes practice (for September 2007)
people. By learning and practicing the skills involved, you can use them in dealing with your son, and ...
Family Fundamentals: Healthy choices can have financial payoff (for August 2007)
can reap big rewards later. The key for many people is to start small. The same can be said for ...
Boosting Soybean Yield/Profits Involves a Mix of Management Practices
the high seeding rates are needed for better weed control," said Beuerlein. "Most people can ...
Asian Soybean Finding New Home in Ohio's Specialty Crop Market
a product that is healthy and that people will like and utilize," said Fioritto. Candace Pollock Sally ...
Family Fundamentals: Protect family from sun's rays (for April 2008)
The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 62,000 people will be diagnosed with melanoma ...
Family Fundamentals: Parents can help teens learn to manage their money (for May 2007)
not only by teens but adults. By examining short-term, intermediate and long-term goals, young people ...