
Search results

  1. Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs on the Move into Homes and Buildings

    people nor cause any damage to buildings, but many do not like their presence and odor (especially when ...

  2. Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium

    Precision Ag Magazine’s 2016 Top 10 (#4) People in Precision Agriculture. Dr. Scott Shearer, Chair, ...

  3. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: North Carolina State University

    grand global challenges in plant sciences,” Linton said. To bring people together in an ...

  4. Registration Now Open for July 12 Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    crop prices down, people are looking for ways to save money without sacrificing yields.” The event is ...

  5. Soybean Fields with Sudden Death Syndrome are Popping up Around the State

    I don’t think too many people in the state will deny that Ohio’s planting conditions were tough. ...

  6. Dave Richards: ONLA president is dedicated to the green industry

    ATI, is a firm believer in the CLT program.  “It’s important that we test people’s mastery of skills ... He supervised 125 people every day, and that experience is what has made him appreciate the kind of ...

  7. GAP Training for Tobacco Producers

    GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) last year, so some people have already been trained in the initial ...

  8. Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger

    "When people don't have family, we sit with them so they don't have to die alone. It's ...

  9. Future Students

    transformation. We will connect you with people and places that emphasize the breadth of agriculture, yet focus on ...

  10. Alum, former faculty member named to National 4-H Hall of Fame

    of continuing to see the growth of people I have taught has been very satisfying to me.” Please ...
