
Search results

  1. Health information, Human Capital, And Risky Behavior: New (improved) estimates of how information affects behavior

    I develop empirical measures of the stock of information people have about the risks of smoking. I use ... behavior changes when people are exposed to more information. I then explore how those responses vary ... across people with different levels of human capital. I use several sources of individual survey data. ...

  2. New Website Addresses Agriculture Best Management Practice Placement and Use

    Practices (BMPs)”, and a list of resources and people/agencies to contact. Description of website pages you ... add to the website or questions for FAQ. People- Contacts for people and organizations available to ...

  3. On Farm Biosecurity to Keep Us and Employees Safe

    milking parlor, and anything else people may touch. Porous Surfaces on the Farm For porous surfaces, such ...

  4. Dear White People: What is the Role of White People in Dismantling Whiteness in Education and Challenging Antiblackness?

    A conversation series interrogating Whiteness, Anti-Blackness and Racism in education. This session will feature Dr. Nolan Cabrera (University of Arizona), Dr. Subini Annamma (Stanford University(, and Dr. Chayla Haynes Davison (Texas A & M University ...

  5. Ohio Stable in Farm Bankruptcies, While Nation is Up

    the biggest factor that influences farm bankruptcy filings because a lot of people use their land as ...

  6. Men, Women, and Everyone Else: An Exploration of Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity

    misconceptions about transgender people will be dispelled and a basic language for discussing gender identity ...

  7. Men, Women, and Everyone Else: An Exploration of Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity

    misconceptions about transgender people will be dispelled and a basic language for discussing gender identity ...

  8. Government Academy Workshop 6: Crisis Management

    Meetings and Board Procedures * April 18, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and ...

  9. Government Academy Workshop 5: Communications for the Public Official

    Meetings and Board Procedures * April 18, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and ...

  10. CANCELLED: Planning the Future of Your Farm: Succession Planning

    encouraged to attend.  Having multiple people present will help you in having these challenging conversations ... a farm ownership and responsibilities.   We must have at least 15 people in attendance to hold the ...
