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  1. Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Write-In

    together to write independently in community and a very effective tool for many people. The space will be ...

  2. CD Wire- June 22, 2020

    Council of Governments, to name a few. I concluded that if real economic improvement was to happen, people ... 70,000 businesses in Ohio are owned by people over 55. As these owners prepare for retirement, how will ... threaten the complete suspension of migration, preventing people from moving across borders is not as ...

  3. From the Heart

    In trying times, where do you turn? Farmers are some of the most humble, down to earth people ... that are being made that effect so many people.  We are truly all in this together.  We need to be kind ... powerful and has many opinions, stresses, and directions.  Some people have no clue what is going on in and ...

  4. CD Wire- December 14, 2020

    Environments for People of All Genders Putting the "E"xcellence back in TEAM: Understanding Your ... send an email, schedule a meeting, or start a conference call with several people. Learn more about ...

  5. Exploring Graduate Programs

    if applying to a “science-based” graduate program. 1) People go to graduate school for lots of ... people and use your online resources to explore the full range of options that exist. Most departments ...

  6. CD Wire- August 3, 2020

    and building relationships with other people. Richard’s family has a long history of teaching, and he ... focuses on the resources and strengths of the neighborhood (i.e., people, places, partnerships) rather ... ridership is struggling, and people have rediscovered walking and biking. How is this disruption affecting ...

  7. DEI Professional Development Workshop: Did They Really Just Say That?! Being an Active Bystander

    and affirming environment for all people. This training seeks to empower and equip participants to ...

  8. Farm Biosecurity with COVID-19

    alcohol content.  There is a recommendation that wearing a mask can often result in preventing people from ... rattle paddles, all controls in milking parlor, and anything else people may touch.  For porous surfaces, ...

  9. Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Writing Boot Camp

    we can accommodate approximately 12 people. Please send an RSVP email to Leo Taylor ...

  10. Poultry & Rabbit Clinic

    are the dates at 9am!   Because of this we are looking for people to help!  You DO NOT have to know ... anything about either subject or a lot about one or both!  We just want people that have a willingness to ...
