
Search results

  1. Celebrating Occupational Therapy Outreach for the Farm

    works with OT practitioners to promote independence for people in agriculture. This program conducts ...

  2. Oil and Gas Drilling Impacts? Talk Aims to Show Bigger Picture

    The environmental impacts of oil and gas production “are much broader than what most people ...

  3. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Purdue University

    The Learning Network connects people and organizations with educational opportunities throughout ...

  4. Grief

    with people we love and care for and less about the decorations.  During this week, make it a point to ...

  5. Environmental Film Series-- Return of the River

    Elwha River in Washington State is a story about people and the land they inhabit. The film captures the ... begins. The film features people and perspectives on all sides of the Elwha debate, reflecting the many ...

  6. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: These are a few of our Farmers favorite things

    also use tools and equipment that are designed for ease of use for people of all abilities. LED lights ...

  7. Getting a Job on the Farm- Labor Issues for Young Farm Workers

    will be at the Firebaugh Building in OSU Central. Concerns with young people working agricultural jobs ... change, what was learned from the experience is a lot of people didn't know the requirements. This ...

  8. Preventing Barn Fires

    contents. In order to protect the valuable assets stored in barns including livestock and also the people ...

  9. ORWRP Room Reservation Information

    accommodate ~18 people with space for an additional 10 folding chairs around the parameter of the room if ... a larger meeting, presentation, or training session.  The room has capacity for 65 people with a projector ...

  10. What is Your Personality Color Spectrum? Workshop

    The Spectrum Temperament Development Model is a fun and exciting method for helping people better ... people around them. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop. Cost is $75 per participant. Register at ...
