
Search results

  1. Research by Brian Roe Examines How Well Farmers Tolerate Risk in Comparison to Other Sectors

    reflects, “Nearly all population segments have about 40% of people identifying themselves in the middle risk ... previous studies have shown that as people age they generally exhibit less risk-tolerant behaviors. Thus, ...

  2. AEDE Seeks Participants for Study on Consumer Eating Habits, Free Lunch Included

    a free lunch for people who help with a study in Columbus. It takes only 15 minutes. (Photo: CareyHope, ...

  3. Scholarship Donors Offer Students the Opportunity to Study Sustainability on Andros Island

    really happy to be able to give this scholarship to young people interested in the environment.” Allen ... development, through the Andros Island experience.  "I cannot wait to learn how the people on Andros ...

  4. AEDE Seeks Participants for Study on Consumer Eating Habits, Free Lunch Included

    a free lunch for people who help with a study in Columbus. It takes only 15 minutes. (Photo: CareyHope, ...

  5. Announcing a new sustainability major at The Ohio State University

    the well-being of people. Achieving sustainable development solutions requires individuals trained in ...

  6. As AEDE Undergrad Danielle Matthews Attests, a World of Opportunity Awaits You at Ohio State

    people on this trip. It is amazing how similar our countries are, but at the same time how different due ... 2050. There are going to be nine billion people to feed by then and if I can help five farmers make ... yields higher than they have before, then in turn I’m helping to feed people in another country. It may ...

  7. Communiqué August 29, 2012

    not fit into the traditional mold of a teacher. We have people who have the unique ability to take ... people of Ohio. Our colleagues work in informal settings, and they utilize experiential education. We ... believe and practice that people learn best by doing. Our challenge has been to adequately develop, ...

  8. GAP Training for Tobacco Producers

    GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) last year, so some people have already been trained in the initial ...

  9. Moving People with Ideas: Innovation, Inter-regional Mobility and Firm Heterogeneity

    Moving People with Ideas: Innovation, Inter-regional Mobility and Firm Heterogeneity."  Abstract: ...

  10. Workshop Agenda

    and people, there was no simple way to quantify the benefit. Therefore, stakeholders found it ... people, and therefore accounting for the value of natural capital is an important aspect of sustainability ...
