
Search results

  1. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Appendix A few people have asked that I publish the results using the 5-nutrient group (i.e., replace ...

  2. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1993-1999

    Esther has inspired and encouraged many young people as they pursued their careers in the dairy industry. ... organizations, and there are a number of people in the dairy industry who are internationally recognized ...

  3. Dairy Farm Labor

    & Development Economics, The Ohio State University, (go to ...

  4. Update on Ohio's Program for Controlling Johne's Disease

    Johne's disease control in perspective. Many people come to realize that the management strategies used to ...

  5. The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices and the Current Dairy Situation

    people are more efficient in feeding their cows; others achieve greater production levels than the State ...

  6. The Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices and the Current Dairy Situation

    feed (hay; can anyone tell me what kind of hay this is?).  Too many people seem to ignore that the ...

  7. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    MP contents. Appendix A few people have asked that I publish the results using the 5-nutrient group ...

  8. Costs of Nutrients, Comparison of Feedstuff Prices, and the Current Dairy Situation

    above break-even levels.  Of course, some people did lock in favorable feed prices last fall, making ...

  9. Meat Judging: Various Coaches 1990-2006

    Stephanie Hoepf, Republic; John Tangeman, New Breman; Danyelle Dauch, Bellevue; Jamie King, Tiffin ...

  10. Terms of Use

    people appearing in the photograph to use their image and you must be the owner or licensee of the ...
