
Search results

  1. USDA Expands Meat and Poultry Hotline Hours to Further Provide Food Safety Information to Consumers

    Almanza. “Experts are available to talk with people in English and Spanish, so we are able to help address ...

  2. Take the Local Foods Challenge!

    or within the state.  People consider where their food was grown or raised and make an effort to ...

  3. Focus on Flavor

    but they are not well followed. People tend to select foods they enjoy, they can afford, and that are ... processed foods because people like the flavor and it’s a cheap ingredient, Peterson said. But health ...

  4. Wickstrom receives AJCA Director’s Scholarship

    a long history of sponsoring educational programs for “young people interested in the Jersey breed.”  ...

  5. From Summits to Sustainability: Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally

    signature events have drawn more than 1,000 people, Hanselmann said. The network also hosts a series of ...

  6. Food Safety: What You Can’t See Or Smell May Be Harmful

    spores that release a toxin, making people sick.  Nationwide, 160 cases of botulism and one related death ...

  7. Precision Agriculture Webinar offered Jan. 20

    availability of OSU Extension programing, especially for farmers and growers in areas where people can’t attend ... people’s hands.” Other webinars are planned for the series include: Feb. 3 — Soybean production, featuring ...

  8. Culling Decisions

    component and is also learned by calves at an early age. Mean cattle are dangerous to people, damage ...

  9. Students Invited to Compete in SmartAg 4.0

    with the support of business strategists, subject matter experts, thought leaders and idea people ...

  10. Media Advisory: Zika Virus: Ohio State Expert Available to Speak about Mosquitoes that Carry Disease

    30 people in the U.S. who contracted the disease while traveling abroad. In Brazil, Zika virus has ...
