
Search results

  1. Kyle Tatad

    to do. I’m from Lima, Ohio and attended Shawnee High School. People often call me Dolphin because of ...

  2. On Farm Biosecurity to Keep Us and Employees Safe

    milking parlor, and anything else people may touch. Porous Surfaces on the Farm For porous surfaces, such ...

  3. Dear White People: What is the Role of White People in Dismantling Whiteness in Education and Challenging Antiblackness?

    A conversation series interrogating Whiteness, Anti-Blackness and Racism in education. This session will feature Dr. Nolan Cabrera (University of Arizona), Dr. Subini Annamma (Stanford University(, and Dr. Chayla Haynes Davison (Texas A & M University ...

  4. Cover Crops for Prevented Planting Acres

    be Alan Sundermeier, OSU Extension, Wood County.  Resource people who will be available to answer ...

  5. Overcoming Academia's Top Workplace Obstacles- Part 1

    was “working with difficult people,” and #2 was “leading change.”  Dr. R. Kent Crookston  draws on the ... grappling with change. These people are normal but behave in strikingly-different ways.  Participants will ...

  6. Joshua Winters

    mentor so that I could meet new people. I enjoy long walks on the beach and can throw a rock kind of far! ...

  7. Devin Moser

    experience, make friends, and I don’t want people to feel alone. While I am allergic to cats and dogs, I have ...

  8. GAPs Online Produce Safety Course

    the letter "O").   Then click Add Group. A minimum of 10 people must be registered for us to ... offer the course and class size is limited to 25 people. The course price is $225.     Please let Don ...

  9. Olivia Kruczynska

    North. I love OSU because of the variety of people and the experience the University provides you. I am ...

  10. Marlee Stollar

    transition from high school to college and help them meet new people! ...
