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  1. Why We Don't Believe Science: A Perspective From Decision Psychology

    Ideally, people are objective when they perceive risks and make decisions in climate and other ...

  2. SENR Autumn 2014 Seminar Series

    the single most effective strategy they could implement to conserve energy and water, most people ...

  3. Forest Operations & Products

    products industry directly employs 47,000 people in Ohio and contributes a total of $22 billion to the ...

  4. See How a Tree Grown in Northern Ohio Becomes, Say, an Amish-Made Dining Room Chair

    show how trees get turned into products, including Amish-made lumber and furniture. “We hope people ...

  5. Earthkeeping Summit 2014

    Earthkeeping Summit 2014 Ohio’s faith community invites people to gather on October 12 & 13, ...

  6. Useful – to – Useable (U2U) Tools-- Utilizing Climate Information in Decision Making for Agriculture

    and Adaptation in Corn-based Cropping Systems. The tools were developed to provide people in the ag ...

  7. PetPALS Preparing Pets

    Objectives: To Help Young People Learn the importance of feeding their pets a high quality diet. ...

  8. Central Ohio Sierra Club Volunteer Orientation Program

    a volunteer based organization, without people like you, exploring, enjoying and protecting the environment ...

  9. At the corner of eating and healthy: Ohio State center targets functional foods

    individuals,” Schwartz said. “Bringing people together from different disciplines is where innovations occur.” ...

  10. March 1 Conference for Ohio Natural Resource Professionals

    a disease that kills trees could actually help forests, and what’s really going on when people and wildlife ...
